

The (B)pack is a low tech biogas container to store and transport biogas.


(B)pack the mobile biogas backpack

The (B)pack is a low tech biogas container to store and transport biogas. Its purpose is to facilitate the sale of biogas in countries with poorly developed energy infrastructure. The (B)pack is filled with biogas through pressure equalisation with any biogas digester. For cooking the (B)pack is connected to a biogas stove via a flexible pipe. For safety reasons, the (B)pack should always be stored outside the house. If protected from UV light and sharp items the (B)pack material will last for up to 10 years.


  • 1000 L capacity
  • 2 carrying straps
  • a ball valve with hose connection


Compared to gas cylinders or piping systems:

  • low tech, no additional equipment or electricity required
  • easy to understand and safe (TÜV tested)
  • the pressure created by external weight
  • sale by unit, easy pricing
  • affordable

    Technical Data

  • dimension: 1.6 x 2.0 m
  • capacity: 1 m³
  • light weight: 4 kg
  • external pressure resistance: 30.000 daN
  • internal pressure resistance: 0.5 bar



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